Source code for

"""Module with possible events and classes/functions related to that."""

from typing import List, Dict, Callable, Tuple, Awaitable, Optional
from random import random
from abc import ABC
import logging

from .utils import read_only_properties
from .objects import Action, Attachment

Callback = Callable[["Event"], Awaitable]

_SLOTS: Tuple[str, ...] = ()

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Basic events

[docs]@read_only_properties("name", "group_id", "source") class Event(ABC): """Base class for possible events.""" __slots__ = ( "_app", "_callbacks", "_callbacks_index", "name", "group_id", "source", ) def __init__(self, name: str, group_id: int, source: Dict): self._app = None self._callbacks: List[Callback] = [] self._callbacks_index: int = -1 #: Event's internal name (like "vk:<event's name>") str = name #: Event's group id. self.group_id = group_id #: Raw object of event. self.source = source def __str__(self): # pragma: no cover return "<{}[{}] from {}>".format( self.__class__.__name__,, self.group_id, )
[docs] def initialize(self, app, callbacks: List[Callback]): """Set app amd callbacks that will process this event.""" self._app = app self._callbacks = callbacks
[docs] async def request(self, method, **kwargs): """Proxy for VkClient's `request`.""" return await self._app.get_client(self.group_id).request(method, **kwargs)
[docs] async def next(self): """Call next callback from the list.""" self._callbacks_index += 1 try: await self._callbacks[self._callbacks_index](self) except Exception: logging.exception("Callback for update") raise
[docs]class EventRaw(Event): """Raw event from vkontakte. Used for passing unknown events.""" def __init__(self, group_id, source: Dict): super().__init__("vk:raw", group_id, source)
_SLOTS = ( "id", "date", "peer_id", "from_id", "text", "random_id", "important", "payload", "out", "attachments", "action", "reply_message", "fwd_messages" )
[docs]@read_only_properties(*_SLOTS) #pylint: disable=too-many-instance-attributes class MessageData(Event): """ Class for storing data about personal message in vkontakte. Documentation: """ __slots__ = _SLOTS def __init__(self, name, group_id, source: Dict): super().__init__(name, group_id, source) #: Message id int = source.get("id", 0) #: Message date in unixtime int = source.get("date", 0) #: Message peer id self.peer_id: int = source.get("peer_id", 0) #: Message from id self.from_id: int = source.get("from_id", 0) #: Message text if present self.text: str = source.get("text", "") #: Message random id self.random_id: int = source.get("random_id", 0) #: Message important flag self.important: bool = source.get("important", False) #: Message payload self.payload: str = source.get("payload", "") #: Message out flag self.out: bool = source.get("out", False) #: Message action if present self.action: Optional["Action"] = None if "action" in source: self.action = Action(source["action"]) #: Message reply message if present self.reply_message: Optional[MessageData] = None if "reply_message" in source: self.reply_message = MessageData("", 0, source["reply_message"]) #: Forwarded messages self.fwd_messages: Tuple[MessageData, ...] = tuple( MessageData("", 0, s) for s in source.get("fwd_messages", ()) ) #: Message attachments self.attachments: Tuple[Attachment, ...] = tuple( Attachment(s) for s in source.get("attachments", ()) )
[docs] async def response(self, message: str): """Response to channel event was received from.""" return await self.request( "messages.send", message=message, peer_id=self.peer_id, random_id=int(random() * 4294967296) - 2147483648 )
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # [Vkontakte events](
[docs]class MessageNew(MessageData): """Vkontakte "message_new" event.""" def __init__(self, group_id, source: Dict): super().__init__("vk:message_new", group_id, source)